Top 5 Essential Gadgets for New Parents

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Top 5 Essential Gadgets for New Parents

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As someone who became the parent recently, I can say that these first months are certainly not easy. Life has been hectic, and you have to be prepared foremost psychologically. Besides this, the organization has to be at the top level. From the time woman enters the third trimester of her pregnancy, you have to be ready for anything.

Planning will help you alleviate some of the concerns, but there are still some things you can’t act upon. On the other hand, we live in modern times full of technology, and that same technology can help us when it comes to parenting.

Using my personal experience, I am going to discuss five essential gadgets new parents must-have. Now, we as humans can go pretty much without anything modern, but these gadgets are certainly going to make your life a whole lot easier.

I am not going to list everything baby related, but rather gadgets that can be considered essential, and very important when it comes to raising a newborn. Those five gadgets include a baby monitor, baby scale, thermometer, breast pump, and baby food maker.

Since we at Five Stars List choose the best products you can find online, I am also going to list the best products in each of these fields.

1. Baby Monitor - Nanit Plus

Baby Monitor - Nanit Plus

We’ve done the baby monitor comparisons in the past, and every time Nanit Plus came out as the clear winner. There are several reasons behind it. But first and foremost it is the most intuitive, and it offers the true bird’s eye view. It analyzes your baby’s sleep and it gives you tips on how to improve it.

Besides this, it tracks the temperature, and humidity alerting you as soon as something is off. It doesn’t come with a parent unit, but it rather connects to your cell phone, or your tablet. One of the clever features is its ability to stay connected to your device even if the signal or Wi-Fi is lost.

Another very clever, and the advanced feature is Nanit Baby Wear. Essentially you can think of it as a piece of baby clothing that can be used to monitor the breathing of your newborn. The pattern on the wear itself allows the camera to monitor the movement, which is translated to breathing.

It is an amazing device, which although somewhat expensive, is worth every penny, and it is a must on our list of essential gadgets for new parents. The only drawback to it is a somewhat more complicated assembly.

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2. Baby Scale - Mommed

Baby Scale - Mommed

The second essential device, which can come in handy is a baby scale. Measuring a baby’s weight gain is very important, as you’ll be able to see at each new visit to the pediatrician. Mommed made this impressive device that can measure in 0.1 pound increments. This means that you can track the growth of your baby yourself.

It will put your mind at ease since you won’t have to wait for your next checkup to see how much weight your newborn has gained. This particular device is the best of the bunch. Besides this, it will also allow you to track the height. The scale itself has a capacity of 220 pounds, which means that you can use it to weigh yourself as well, as long as you don’t exceed this limit.

The tray is cleverly designed in such a way so your baby won’t slip off. When it comes to power, it will take two AAA batteries which come included in the package. Weight is displayed on a large illuminated LCD screen.

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3. Baby Food Maker 8 in 1

Baby Food Maker 8 in 1

We recently did an article on the best baby food maker, and we’ve found our winner. This baby food maker from Homia is the best of the bunch, and it will help you prepare healthy meals for your baby in no time. The three-tier design allows you to cook three different foods at the same time. It has 8 different functions that allow you to defrost, warm, steam, sterilize, juice, etc. Overall, it is a great product which will make you and your baby happy.

In the end, it is always best to prepare the baby food yourself than to buy it from to store. While store-bought food might be more practical, the preparation process itself is what makes it less healthy.

To kill all of the bacteria store-bought baby food is prepared at extremely high temperatures. While this is good to eliminate anything harmful, such a process also eliminates essential vitamins and minerals. When it’s all said and done, by preparing the food yourself you’ll know exactly what your baby eats.

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4. Electric Breast Pump

Electric Breast Pump

As I have witnessed myself, breastfeeding can be very painful for women. On the other side, there isn’t anything more healthy for the newborn than mother’s milk. To find the medium, we’ve decided to buy the electric breast pump. It is a lifesaver since my wife isn’t in agony every time she has to breastfeed. And my baby gets all the benefits of the mom’s milk. It does take some getting used to, but my wife mastered it in a couple of days.

The best electric breast pump we’ve managed to find is the one from Momcozy. It is a great product which is only a fraction of the price compared to the rest of the electric breast pumps. It is very affordable, and it will provide you with all of the functionalities found in much more expensive items.

It has two modes – pump, and massage. It is portable, wireless, and it can be used continually for about an hour and a half. You don’t have to worry about the pain either since it has 9 levels of suction. It is essential, to say the least, and for that reason, it has to be included on our list of essential gadgets for new parents.

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5. Vicks Baby Rectal Thermometer

Vicks Baby Rectal Thermometer

We all dread those moments, but they surely will come. The time when your baby has high body temperature, and you just feel helpless. It is a normal part of parenting, and you will get more confident as you experience more of these situations. But, they never get easier.

We have done the comparison of the best baby thermometers on the market, and this one came out as the clear winner. Most of the baby thermometers either take the measurements from the baby’s armpit or forehead, which is good, but not good enough. The rectal temperature is what matters, and it is the first thing they ask you at the pediatrician’s office.

This one is well-designed, accurate, and digital. In the end, it will do its job perfectly. When it comes to price, it is very affordable.

That would be all for our top 5 essential gadgets for new parents. All of these products are best in their field, and they will surely make your life a whole lot easier. Take it from someone who currently has the newborn.

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Top 5 Essential Gadgets for New Parents

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Last update on 2025-03-28 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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